We love to build furniture, but building relationships is what we care about. We want to inspire and influence our clients, community, and other businesses towards responsible stewardship of our local forests.

Handcrafted furniture is hard to come by, of course, you can buy furniture in the box stores. But it’s usually made of plastic, glue, wood veneers, and particle board. The harvesting of the wood products is completely mechanical.
Harvesting processors clear-cut green trees, skidders drag them out, loaders lift them on to trucks, giant sawmills cut them, and turn them into pulp.
In factories, machines manufacture and package and load the furniture and deliver it to the store. The person buying that chair or nightstand is often the first human to lay hands that wood. And those hands will be the ones that bring it to the landfill when it breaks or becomes outdated and unwanted.
We only cut deadwood and urban trees; trees that will rot, or be cut down and burned in slash piles or fireplaces or end up at the dump. The only machines we use are a pickup truck, chainsaw, and a portable sawmill. We know exactly where a bench or a table comes from. From tree, to board, to table, handcrafted.